CVS 連線過慢..
先前安裝CVSNT Server 都沒遇到多大的問題
在移除防毒及關閉防火牆後 問題還是在
最後只好去救助 google大師
總算找到一篇FAQ在提到 CVS connect 過慢的~的解答 ( 哈~~好像在說我喔~真的快要十秒呢)
Connection takes a long time (around 10 seconds)
Normally the connection to the server should complete very quickly – less than a second in most cases. If you find that it is taking a long time there may be one of two problems:
- Misconfigured reverse DNS.
- CVSNT does a reverse DNS lookup on startup to verify the client hostname. This will usually complete very quickly, however it is possible to misconfigure the reverse DNS in such a way that the lookup hangs and eventually times out after around 10 seconds. Your network administrator will usually be able to sort this out in a few minutes, as its usually a simple misconfiguration. On NT4 machines there is a setting “Use NetBIOS for DNS resolution” which may help. (Q: Is there an equivalent for W2K or do they always do it?)
- Very slow connection to PDC
- CVSNT needs to contact the PDC to verify identities and check privileges. Normally across a LAN this will be quite quick, but over a saturated network or over a Dialup (in local mode) it can be very slow.
- See also;en-us;Q308512 for a possible solution.
- Another thing to try: Disable the virus checker on the machine that hosts the CVS server.
雖然上面的回答無法解掉我的問題,不過從中可得知 CVSNT在執行時 會去驗證Clent hostname,剛好看到有這個取消的功能,果然打勾後就一切正常啦~^^!!