
文章標籤 ‘service’


2009年11月12日 尚無評論

最近幫客戶系統製作安裝光碟時,在安裝Tomcat發現如果不是使用Tomcat官網下載的exe安裝檔案,透過Tomcat\bin 下的service 進行服務安裝時,裝好的服務預設啟動模式為手動


1.直接從service.bat 下手,請用編輯器打開 找尋 「 :installed 」在這執行腳本中的

“%EXECUTABLE%” //US//%SERVICE_NAME% ++JvmOptions “\temp;-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager;-Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CATALINA_BASE%\conf\” –JvmMs 256 –JvmMx 512

加上 –Startup=auto ,結果如下:

“%EXECUTABLE%” //US//%SERVICE_NAME% ++JvmOptions “\temp;-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager;-Djava.util.logging.config.file=%CATALINA_BASE%\conf\” –JvmMs 256 –JvmMx 512 –Startup=auto

這樣執行service install  tomcat5 後就預設啟動模式為自動啦


sc config service_name start=auto


以上執行在搭配Tomcat 5.5 測試過~是ok的!!

Categories: 系統設定 Tags: , ,


2009年5月9日 尚無評論

如果要調整安裝在Windows 上Tomcat服務的參數可以在console mode執行以下指令即可進行更改啟動參數

C:\> tomcat6 //US//Tomcat6 –Description=”Apache Tomcat Server – ” \
C:\> –Startup=auto –Classpath=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar \
C:\> –JvmMx=512

重點在於使用 //US// (Update service parameters)  指令進行更新參數作業,可使用詳細參數如下:

ParameterName Default Description
–Description Service name description (maximum 1024 characters)
–DisplayName ServiceName Service display name
–Install procrun.exe //RS//ServiceName Install image
–Startup manual Service startup mode can be either auto or manual
–DependsOn List of services that this service depend on. Dependent services are separated using either # or ; characters
–Environment List of environment variables that will be provided to the service in the form key=value. They are separated using either # or ; characters
–User User account used for running executable. It is used only for StartMode java or exe and enables running applications as service under account without LogonAsService privilege.
–Password Password for user account set by –User parameter
–JavaHome JAVA_HOME Set a different JAVA_HOME then defined by JAVA_HOME environment variable
–Jvm auto Use either auto or specify the full path to the jvm.dll. You can use the environment variable expansion here.
–JvmOptions -Xrs List of options in the form of -D or -X that will be passed to the JVM. The options are separated using either # or ; characters.
–Classpath Set the Java classpath
–JvmMs Initial memory pool size in MB
–JvmMx Maximum memory pool size in MB
–JvmSs Thread stack size in KB
–StartImage Executable that will be run.
–StartPath Working path for the start image executable.
–StartClass Class that will be used for startup.
–StartParams List of parameters that will be passed to either StartImage or StartClass. Parameters are separated using either # or ; character.
–StartMethod Main Method name if differs then main
–StartMode executable Can one of jvm java or exe
–StopImage Executable that will be run on Stop service signal.
–StopPath Working path for the stop image executable.
–StopClass Class that will be used on Stop service signal.
–StopParams List of parameters that will be passed to either StopImage or StopClass. Parameters are separated using either # or ; character.
–StopMethod Main Method name if differs then main
–StopMode executable Can one of jvm java or exe
–StopTimeout No Timeout Defines the timeout in seconds that procrun waits for service to exit gracefully.
–LogPath working path Defines the path for logging
–LogPrefix jakarta_service Defines the service log filename
–LogLevel INFO Defines the logging level and can be either error, info, warn or debug
–StdOutput Redirected stdout filename
–StdError Redirected stderr filename


Categories: 系統設定 Tags: , ,